

Reduced time to fill
by close to


Reduced new starter
processing time by


onboarding time by



Camp Australia is a leading national provider of out of school hours care (OSHC) and vacation care. They operate nearly 550 services across the country with approximately 3,500 employees, primarily educators.


The challenge

Operating within an industry with a volatile labour market, and a largely casualised workforce, Camp Australia is not immune to high levels of turnover. They constantly recruit educators, depending on high-volume recruitment, to anticipate and meet the needs of their services and deliver an engaging, safe, and compliant OSHC experience.

While providing OSHC services might seem straightforward, Camp Australia must navigate a complex and highly regulated industrial landscape with inconsistencies in approach across the country. Compliance with these regulations can prove challenging, and the need to source, attract, and retain qualified educators is critical. However, this issue is compounded by educators facing high barriers of entry into the industry and constant assessment to demonstrate they are meeting stringent industry standards and maintaining their qualifications and skills.

“There are various federal and state regulations around qualifications, certifications, and educator-to-child ratios. There’s no uniformity across the country. It’s all very different state by state.”

Craig Stewart, Head of People at Camp Australia


Camp Australia relied on multiple proprietary platforms that didn’t integrate with key systems. This fragmentation led to manual, inefficient processes and workflows, which resulted in time and cost wastage and a greater risk of errors or invalid information being captured and used.

“There were a lot of bits and pieces that we had to string together to get the ultimate outcome. When dealing with thousands of educators hired each year, that pretty quickly compounds into a massive amount of time, energy and effort that could be far more efficient.”


Their systems lacked essential reporting capabilities, making it difficult to extract valuable insights to inform business decisions or provide real-time visibility on recruitment progress. This deficiency hindered their ability to manage and balance workflows effectively.

“It’s all about transparency and visibility that we just didn’t have.”


The focus

Camp Australia was seeking a far more sophisticated talent acquisition system to better manage volume hiring demands and enhance recruitment processes. By moving to a specialisedspecialized system, they aimed to

  • Improve the user experience throughout the recruitment journey and into onboarding
  • OptimiseOptimize their processes and workflow efficiency,
  • Gain greater visibility and reporting capability.

“The biggest thing was process efficiency. Being able to map out our process so that the people who needed to interact could do so seamlessly in one place. We needed transparency and visibility across the various stakeholder groups and be able to report easily.”


They sought an adaptable, configurable system to meet the diverse hiring needs across their different functions. The solution would enable the creation of customisedcustomized hiring and onboarding workflows to deliver a personalisedpersonalized and superior candidate and onboarding experience relevant to each individual.

Camp Australia wanted a user-friendly solution that would empower their talent acquisition team to take full control of their careerscareer site to enhance candidate engagement, encourage more applications, and effectively promote their employer value proposition (EVP).

“A big part of it for us was the control that the TA function had. We needed the ability to change something without needing to go to IT and wait for weeks for that to happen.”


The solution

 By implementing PageUp Recruitment Marketing, ATS and Onboarding solutions, Camp Australia was able to recraft their recruitment and onboarding processes to achieve more efficient ways of working.

“We’ve almost halved our time to fill across roles, largely by the process efficiencies we’ve had through implementing PageUp and how we’ve been able to change our approach.”


With access to essential reporting and analytics Camp Australia can clearly see how they’re progressing, and use this information to optimiseoptimize processes and inform business decisions.

“To report back and see where we were having our pain points, to interrogate ‘why?’ with data, and make changes has been a game changer. It’s so easy to create reports or view the dashboard to see those changes in action.”


After implementing the PageUp solutions, the talent acquisition team immediately felt the benefits, regaining control and resolving long-standing issues.

“The talent acquisition team were super excited because they could see their pain points being solved. They can get a sense of empowerment because they can directly change things themselves. If they see something that’s not working, they can fix it.”


Pageup Camp Australia Career Site

Camp Australia CareersCareer Site

They no longer require IT to get things done and have been able to take control of their careerscareer site, keeping the content fresh and engaging to attract talent.

“Being able to change things, both visually and content wise, has been incredibly freeing for the team. Equally from an efficiency perspective, we can just do it, and know it gets done, so that’s great.”


The time savings experienced has extended beyond Camp Australia’s talent acquisition team. By integrating with their payroll system, they have streamlined new hire paperwork, eliminating a tedious manual process. This efficiency has freed up an entire headcount in payroll to focus on more valuable work.

“The time processing of a new starter has been phenomenal. What used to take half a day, now takes about 5 minutes.”


Key results


Reduced time to fill
by close to


Reduced new starter
processing time by


onboarding time by




Camp Australia’s onboarding time to get new employees ‘ready to roster’ and provide care to kids, has been streamlined from 3 months down to 2 weeks. The Onboarding solution has provided insight to how new starters are progressing through the process, what tasks need to be completed and if there are any issues.

“Because of how the onboarding process has brought it all together, most people are through that process, from offer acceptance to their first shift within two weeks, which is a phenomenally good improvement. We can support people through the process faster and fill the gap in a much more timely fashion.”


Since implementation, Camp Australia has been able to rely on PageUp support when needed and have built a great relationship with their Customer Success Manager (CSM).

“We haven’t had to use online support that much, but when we have, they’ve been super responsive. Our CSM has been great at sharing information and new features, and making sure we understand it.”


By partnering with PageUp, Camp Australia overcame fragmented systems and manual processes. Their talent acquisition team now operates with greater efficiency, transparency, and control, driving faster recruitment and onboarding times and freeing up resources for more strategic work.

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